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Board of Trustees








A five member Board of Trustees, who are elected at large, governs Palo Pinto ISD.  The Board generally meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm. Meetings are open to the public.  Please enter through the main entrance at 821 Oak St.  Any changes to location, time or date are posted in advance on the front door of the school and on this website.


Trustee Election Information

Texas Gov't Code 2051.152(a)(3)

Internet Posting Form 1-20f

Order of Election

Next General Election (first Tuesday after first Monday in November) (Tex. Elec. Code 41.001(a)):  Tuesday, November 3, 2026

Filing Period (see Notice of Deadline to File for local filing times): July 18, 2026-August 17, 2026 (by 5pm)

The first day to file an application for a place on the ballot in a school district's general election is the 30th day before the filing deadline.  The filing deadline for a general election is 5pm on the 78th day before election day.  The deadline to file a declaration of write-in candidacy is 5pm on the 74th day before election day.

Notice of Election or Cancellation of Election

Texas Secretary of State Important Election Dates (click for calendar)

Eligibility Requirements for Candidacy:  An individual is eligible to be a candidate for, or elected or appointed to, a Texas school board if the individual (Tex Elec. Code 141.001; Tex. Educ. Code 11.066):

  • is a US Citizen

  • is 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable;

  • has not been determined by final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote;

  • has not been finally convicted of a felony;

  • has resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in the territory from which the office is elected for six months immediately preceding the following date:

    • for an independent candidate, the date of the regular filing deadline for a candidate's application for a place on the ballot;

    • for a write-in candidate, the date of the election at which the candidate's name is written in; or

    • for an appointee to an office, the date the appointment is made;

  • is registered to vote in the territory from which the office is elected on the date described above; and

  • satisfies any other eligibility requirements prescribed by law for the office.

The Texas Education Code imposes additional requirements:

  • To be elected to a school board, an individual must be a qualified voter: 18 years of age or older, a U.S. citizen, a Texas resident, a registered voter, not determined to be totally or partially mentally incapacitated by an appropriate court, and not finally convicted of a felony.  Tex. Edu. Code 11.061; Tex Elec. Code 11.002

  • A person is ineligible to serve on a school board if the person has been convicted of a felony or an offense under Texas Penal Code section 43.02(b) regarding prostitution. Tex. Educ. Code 11.066


Cover Letter from Superintendent

Applications for Candidacy:  An application for a place on the ballot must be in writing; signed, sworn to by the candidate before a person authorized to administer an oath, and dated; timely filed with the district's filing authority (Superintendent or designated filing authority) and contain specified information about the candidate (see application). To obtain an application, please contact the school at (940) 659-2745.


Instructions for Application for Candidacy (click for application instructions)

File application for candidacy with the district administrative office at 821 Oak Street, Palo Pinto, TX  76484; click the links above for the application and instructions for completing the application.  Ensure to bring a valid voter registration card with you upon filing.

Form CTA (Campaign Treasurer Appointment) (click for the required form to attach with you completed application; Form CTA Instructions

Form CFCP (Code of Fair Campaign Practices) (click for the required form to attach with you completed application)



Texas Election Code 141.001 and 141.0031

Board Policy regarding Elections (BBA LEGAL, BBBA LEGAL)

Elections Division website (Terms, Qualifications, and VacanciesVR for Candidates (HB 484)Candidacy for Local Political SubdivisionsRunning for Local Offices)


Board Policy Online


Left to Right:

Brad Connelly - Vice-President (2022-26 term)

Teresa Medlin - Secretary (2024-28 term)

Lori Henderson - Member (2024-26 unexpired term)

Cody Cloud - Member (2024-28 term)

Bud Price - President (2022-26 term)

Board Members Group photo Sept 2023.jpg


9-17-24 Agenda

9-17-24 Minutes

10-15-24 Agenda

10-15-24 Minutes

11-12-24 Agenda

11-12-24 Minutes

12-3-24 Agenda - Cancelled

1-21-25 Notice of Board Dinner

1-21-25 Agenda

1-21-25 Minutes

2-11-25 Notice of Board Training--Team of 8

2-11-25 Agenda

2-11-25 Minutes

3-18-25 Agenda

3-18-25 Minutes

4-15-25 Agenda

4-15-25 Minutes

5-20-25 Agenda

5-20-25 Minutes

6-10-25 Agenda

6-10-25 Minutes

5-20, 6-10, 6-11 thru 6-14 and/or 6-18 thru 6-21 Notice of Board Training-SLI Conference

7-15-25 Agenda

7-15-25 Minutes

8-5-25 Agenda

8-5-25 Minutes

8-26-25 Agenda--Called--Notice of Public Meeting--Budget & Proposed Tax Rate; Accountability Ratings

8-26-25 Minutes


9-16-25 Agenda

9-16-25 Minutes

10-21-25 Agenda

10-21-25 Minutes

11-11-25 Agenda

11-11-25 Minutes

12-2-25 Agenda - Cancelled

1-20-26 Notice of Board Dinner

1-20-26 Agenda

1-20-26 Minutes

2-10-26 Notice of Board Training--Team of 8

2-10-26 Agenda

2-10-26 Minutes

3-17-26 Agenda

3-17-26 Minutes

4-21-26 Agenda

4-21-26 Minutes

5-19-26 Agenda

5-19-26 Minutes

6-9-26 Agenda

6-9-26 Minutes

5-19, 6-9, 6-10 thru 6-13 and/or 6-17 thru 6-20 Notice of Board Training-SLI Conference

7-21-26 Agenda

7-21-26 Minutes

8-4-26 Agenda

8-4-26 Minutes

8-25-26 Agenda--Called--Notice of Public Meeting--Budget & Proposed Tax Rate; Accountability Ratings

8-25-26 Minutes

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